Friday, September 25, 2015

Surprise! You Have Prostate Cancer

I recently began being more intentional about shaping my digital footprint in anticipation of retiring in a few years. I secured a domain for a website, became more active on Twitter, and set up this blog with the intent of demonstrating my vast accumulation of knowledge and wisdom :) I did not intend at the time for my initial post to be about Prostate Cancer. However...

In July during my annual physical I received a report that my PSA was elevated. I was referred to a urologist, who determined after examining me that a biopsy was appropriate. On August 17, I learned that I had a relatively aggressive form of Prostate Cancer. Over the next couple of weeks I met with a surgeon, a radiation oncologist, and a medical oncologist, and engaged in a great deal of research. We determined that surgery was the best option for my specific circumstance, and on September 15 I underwent a radical prostatectomy.

I am now 10 days into recovery and doing well. My pathology report came back indicating negative margins and negative lymph involvement; i.e. no indication of cancer remaining in my body. My prognosis is very good. 

I encourage awareness and testing for all of my male friends and relatives, especially those over 50. Prostate Cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in men, but also one of the most treatable, especially if discovered early.